Month: February 2014

  • My best friend has a new best friend.

    People ask me all the time what it is like being a grandmother.  I can bang out on this computer all the gushy reasons about how I feel and you would most likely click out of this blog post in less then a nano second.  In short, there are no words to explain the feelings as you watch the journey your son or daughter take in life.

    There are no two mother/daughter relationships the same.  When I photograph women, the conversation of motherhood always comes up.  I am always amazed at the bonds between a mother and a daughter.  Some are strikingly close, while others are surprisingly aloft.  When my daughter was born, I vowed to be a certain “kind” of parent.  In my head of course, I wanted to be a different parent than my mother was to me.  Don’t get me wrong.  It was a different era and a different way of raising children in the 60′s.   She and my dad did the best they could based on their upbringing roots.  My 2 brother’s and I grew up in a home filled with Italian drama, plenty of food and lots of extended family. There was love there, but on a much more “you know I love you so why do I have to tell you!” scale.

    Watching my girl grow, struggle with teen years, leave for college and marry has honestly been an education.  Knowing when to step back, keep certain opinions mum and give space when needed is like tuning a guitar.  Not always easy.  Sometimes you get it and sometimes you don’t.   But all in all, I couldn’t be prouder of who she has become.  And now, a year and a half into my new role as a grandmother, I have accepted the fact now there is a new girlfriend in town.  One that takes up all of my daughter’s time and certainly a mountain full of love.  Jealous?  Naaaa…. not me.  True, spending time with my grand baby is amazing.  But, watching my girl, react, respond and parent her baby takes my breath away.  Perhaps my parenting skills rubbed off a bit, who knows.

    The picture below was taken when her baby was a few months old.  I found it while cleaning out some old files on my computer sparking me to write this blog.  Yes, the baby is much older now, but looking at this image made me think of this subject.  Best friends… last forever.

    Mom and baby

    Mom and baby